Wow, it's been a week since I was last at office. Time sure flies!
Technically, it is already Friday but since I have yet to see my bed, it's still Thursday in my book :P I'm still unwinding, watching an episode of Witch Yoo Hee (a kdrama from way back) while having a midnight snack. After I'm done here, I'll have a quick look at my wardrobe to decide what to wear tomorrow, and then perhaps I'll hit the sack. I'm such a night owl... you can ask my mum and dad, they'll tell you that I've always been this way *reminded of how my parents were stopped by a security guard for going round and round the housing area in the middle of the night.. in their pajamas.. trying to get this tiny lil princess to fall asleep...hahaha!*
So anyhow.. after attending my close friend's wedding, window shopping in inappropriate heels, family lunch, enjoying time at my parents', etc.. I have to mentally prepare myself to get back to work. It's weird, but it's always harder to return to work after a long break compared to a short one. Somehow, I feel as if my motivation level halved, lol. Does anyone else have that problem, or is it only me? Don't get me wrong, I like my job... I just, like my days off more :P hahaha...
It's 1.30am and I have prepared a list of things to do at work tomorrow (the list is invisible tho, mind you). I hope my friends will be there.. the workday is so much smoother when you have friends around, don't you think?
For all of you who will be returning to your desks after a long break.. chin up! All play and no work makes you a unable to see the good things in life. Besides, it's only a few hours til the weekend, and New Year will be here soon. Don't forget to think about your resolutions - I've started jotting mine down already. The only problem is, I can't seem to find my resolutions for 2012 to cross out what I've done and what I have yet to do ;D Tick tock!
Have you cold or hot hands?