Happy Sunday everybody... Holla!
begin :)
sister has been taking InnerShine for some time so we’d always have some kept
handy at my parents’. Every time I go home for a visit, my mum will hand each of
us a bottle and say “here, have your daily dose of Vit C” lol.. thanks mum! :D
one day my mum gave me a 70ml bottle of it (it was huge…huge!) which I drank
over 2 days…and later went on a quick trip to my fave Estee Lauder counter in
Isetan, Gardens. After getting several compliments about how my skin has
improved, I started to wonder if it could have been the InnerShine. Seriously?
Is that possible? Or maybe it was just the shimmery blusher that I had on. I
honestly couldn’t say coz I feel that I looked the same as always lol.
I decided to give InnerShine a proper trial run. The experimentation begins!
writing this after about 2 weeks’ worth of InnerShine, and a couple of super busy
very thick.. I always drink water after it. To be honest, I pour some water
into the bottle and drink from there – can’t waste even a single drop lol
just like prunes! I’m not a fan of prunes as compared to maybe blackcurrent
(think Ribena) but after a few drinks, I’m getting used to the taste.
may say it’s a bit sour. As I like sour things, that wasn’t an issue for me. I
find it quite sweet hence the water afterward.
actually rather soothing on an itchy throat.. I happen to have this ticklish,
itchy throat tonight and after I drank it (perhaps because of the sourness), my
throat feels a bit relieved.. that’s multipurpose, I tell you ;)
The Pros:
· Detox, i.e. good bowel movement
Skin looks better, more radiant or something (dunno
how true that is.. maybe it’s my makeup & not the InnerShine at
all.. maybe it’s a bit of both.. besides, how DO they tell if someone’s skin
looks more radiant? )
Eczema flare up / allergies are much, much better controlled. And for that
reason alone, I think I’ll continue taking this.
The Cons:
· Expensive!!!
to drink it continuously for good results (I’ve taken it on & off but
after taking it continuously for nearly 2 weeks now, I can feel some
The Ambivalent:
· More energy? Keeps
me awake? However, because I can’t sleep at night (I’m a night
owl & am most active after 9pm lol), I get a bit groggy in the
mornings… and I don’t eat as much. Between hunger and sleep, I always choose
sleep – I’m one of those who can sleep even if I’m hungry. Nevertheless, I
don’t “crash” as much in the evenings, not like I used to do so that’s another
*Note* I’ve recently done a little
experiment – I’ve started taking the InnerShine in the mornings or before
noon. Early conclusion: I don’t need coffee/caffeine anymore lol. And it’s
worn off by evening so I have no more trouble sleeping at night, yay. Let’s keep
this up, fighting! ;)
source of vitamin C? Probably coz the absorbance is better from fruit extracts vs tablets.. I dunno, this is
only my own opinion and not based on verified fact.
this is a verrrryyyy expensive product, I may continue taking it in the next
foreseeable future, at least while my budget allows. We’ll see what happens
later on :) Who knows, if I feel the benefits outweigh the dent it causes in my
wallet, I may have to add it to my budgeting hehe…
save the environment, remember to put the cardboard boxes and glass bottles out
for recycling. Every little helps :)
you have any experience using this product, please do share.