
Saturday, 26 October 2013

InnerShine Prune Essence with Camu Camu

Happy Sunday everybody... Holla!

Let's begin :)

My sister has been taking InnerShine for some time so we’d always have some kept handy at my parents’. Every time I go home for a visit, my mum will hand each of us a bottle and say “here, have your daily dose of Vit C” lol.. thanks mum! :D

Anyhow, one day my mum gave me a 70ml bottle of it (it was huge…huge!) which I drank over 2 days…and later went on a quick trip to my fave Estee Lauder counter in Isetan, Gardens. After getting several compliments about how my skin has improved, I started to wonder if it could have been the InnerShine. Seriously? Is that possible? Or maybe it was just the shimmery blusher that I had on. I honestly couldn’t say coz I feel that I looked the same as always lol.

Nevertheless, I decided to give InnerShine a proper trial run. The experimentation begins!

I’m writing this after about 2 weeks’ worth of InnerShine, and a couple of super busy work-weeks.


À      Viscous, very thick.. I always drink water after it. To be honest, I pour some water into the bottle and drink from there – can’t waste even a single drop lol

À      Tastes just like prunes! I’m not a fan of prunes as compared to maybe blackcurrent (think Ribena) but after a few drinks, I’m getting used to the taste.

À      Some may say it’s a bit sour. As I like sour things, that wasn’t an issue for me. I find it quite sweet hence the water afterward.

À      It’s actually rather soothing on an itchy throat.. I happen to have this ticklish, itchy throat tonight and after I drank it (perhaps because of the sourness), my throat feels a bit relieved.. that’s multipurpose, I tell you ;)

The Pros:
·     Detox, i.e. good bowel movement 
·         Skin looks better, more radiant or something (dunno how true that is.. maybe it’s my makeup & not the InnerShine at all.. maybe it’s a bit of both.. besides, how DO they tell if someone’s skin looks more radiant? )
·         Eczema flare up / allergies are much, much better controlled. And for that reason alone, I think I’ll continue taking this.

The Cons:
·    Expensive!!!
·         Have to drink it continuously for good results (I’ve taken it on & off but after taking it continuously for nearly 2 weeks now, I can feel some difference)

The Ambivalent:

·         More energy? Keeps me awake? However, because I can’t sleep at night (I’m a night owl & am most active after 9pm lol), I get a bit groggy in the mornings… and I don’t eat as much. Between hunger and sleep, I always choose sleep – I’m one of those who can sleep even if I’m hungry. Nevertheless, I don’t “crash” as much in the evenings, not like I used to do so that’s another plus.

*Note* I’ve recently done a little experiment – I’ve started taking the InnerShine in the mornings or before noon. Early conclusion: I don’t need coffee/caffeine anymore lol. And it’s worn off by evening so I have no more trouble sleeping at night, yay. Let’s keep this up, fighting! ;)

·         Good source of vitamin C? Probably coz the absorbance is better from fruit extracts vs tablets.. I dunno, this is only my own opinion and not based on verified fact.

Altho this is a verrrryyyy expensive product, I may continue taking it in the next foreseeable future, at least while my budget allows. We’ll see what happens later on :) Who knows, if I feel the benefits outweigh the dent it causes in my wallet, I may have to add it to my budgeting hehe…

To save the environment, remember to put the cardboard boxes and glass bottles out for recycling. Every little helps :)

If you have any experience using this product, please do share.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Make-up shopping @ Yves Rocher, Alamanda

Hello all you lovely people!

If you've just celebrated Eid ul adha, Happy Eid to you :) My family and I almost didn't celebrate Eid this time around coz my younger sister got into a bit of an accident (she's alright, thank God, but it was a rather scary experience for all of us). It's a very long story which I'll probably save for another blog. Back to my trip to Yves Rocher...

My purchases today... don't they look pretty? :D 

This is the first time I've actually bothered stepping into the store.. I attribute the sudden motivation to the very pretty poster of a model with such lovely makeup on.. I can never resist pretty makeup arrrgghh! lol. From my limited knowledge about the store and their lines, I believe they carry all-natural beauty products (makeup and skincare) which are termed 'botanical beauty' (I guess that means 'plant based' products?). If I have time, I'll research more about them. However, since I wasn't super impressed with my purchases today, I'm not sure if that research will materialize - we'll have to wait and see ;) 

I know most people associate 'natural products' as 'good products', without side effects bla bla bla. Well, you may want to re-think that. Just because something is natural, doesn't mean it doesn't come with cautions, interactions, side effects.. this is especially true with traditional/herbal medicines..but again, that's a whole other topic. Back to makeup again.

Yves Rocher is reputed to be the no. 1 brand in France, even my mum knows about them. Sadly, there aren't all that many stores around here. The moment I stepped in, I had a similar feel as I would stepping in to say, Crabtree & Evelyn :) All pretty stuff. I zoomed in on the makeup counter, as the pretty makeup poster was what made me enter the store in the first place. Before I forget, the poster was about a 7-day makeup promo; buy three or more items and you'd get 30% discount on all items, free life-time membership if you spend over RM100.  

At the makeup counter.

Ooohhh MORE lovely lil things to check out. I was very intrigued by their lip glosses - those were pretty, a little on the viscous side but the new formulations were not too sticky, around RM50 plus. Tempted, but since I still have a gazillion lip glosses, I had to pass. Same goes for the awesome glitter dust thingys (RM69 each)... really fine and beautiful, bronze or white glitter, perfect for lil bits of shimmer.  

Next, let's go to items I did buy. 

The lip liners were kinda cute too. I've been wanting to expand my collectionas I only had 2, one MAC and another Estee Lauder - both which I love love love, in shades of nude. Figured it was an opportunity to expand my collection, get more colours etc. so I got myself 2 new ones..

From left: 02 Mauve, 08 Brun

After testing them at home,  I'm wondering if I didn't waste RM35 each on these pencils. There's nothing wrong with them, but then again, there's nothing really awesome about them either. Maybe it's just because once I put it on, the colours didn't "pop".. to me, the colours seem a little mature. Personally, I would much rather have makeup that makes me look younger and more vibrant rather than mature, but that's just me. Even after mixing them with some shimmery glosses or layering them with my Estee Lauder lipsticks, the colours weren't really my favourite. Oh well, I'll just experiment, see if I can get them to look better on me. They're not the softest of pencils, i did feel like I was colouring it in a bit but it's still ok. 

I couldn't test the eyeliner pencil which I bought (it's an absolutely beautiful shade of reddish brown named 03 Cuivre) but the colour looked fabulous when I put some on my hand at the store. I wasn't too sure about it once I put it on my eyelids but then the store didn't have the brightest lighting so I couldn't see well enough to make a good judgement. Anyway, I couldn't test it when I got home because the pencil is mouldy! Eeewww..! 

I suppose it was partly my fault for not checking properly but I never expected something like that to happen. Ever! Now I've got to go back and get it changed, etc.. what a hassle :( 

All bad stuff aside, there's one item which I'm very happy with...drumroll please! 

Introducing the gorgeous single eyeshadow - 11 Fleur d'Oranger! This lil baby is very smooth, has a very fine shimmer to it. I call it elegant and beautiful makeup. It's a clear winner. I'm so glad I went back to pick up this one.. I almost didn't buy it! I bought a very simple, almost 'not there' colour coz I intend to use it daily for work and I have a tendency of saving my Estee Lauder pallette for special occasions :D At RM45, this eyeshadow contains bamboo silica and is supposed to be long-lasting. According to the salesgirl, you have to put slightly more product as it's botanical but I don't really think that's necessary. To each their own, right? ;) 

Here's a swatch, so you can see the colours..

From left: eyeshadow, Brun, Mauve

I'll keep using some of these products that I've bought from time to time but we'll see if I will continue using them in the long run. Aside from the eyeshadow, I can't see anything else that I'd go back for. The service was really good tho. Must give credit where credit's due and the salesgirl was real nice, not too pushy, and did a great job :)  

Signing off for now. From now on, always ALWAYS remember to check your new makeup before leaving the stores... huhu... 

Love & hugs, have a great day all ♥
nad xoxo~